Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression

Maintaining and expanding an exclusive Jewish state in Palestine requires on-going ethnic cleansing and military repression of Palestinians and military dominance in the region. Through the ongoing colonization of Palestine and the accompanying atrocities, Israel has developed great expertise in repression, and exporting these tools and methods on an industrial scale has become crucial to Israeli economic and political power.

Since the founding of the state, Israel has collaborated with many of the most repressive regimes and forces on all continents. Israel played and/or plays a role in arming and training the apartheid regimes of Southern Africa, colonial and neo-colonial regimes in the Middle East, dictators in Central and South America and police forces in the United States.

Our movements across the globe – in solidarity with Palestine, against war, poverty, colonialism, imperialism, repression and an unjust globalized economy, and for more equitable societies – need to be aware of the very real ways the State of Israel contributes to the violence and repression targeting us.

IJAN works to expose Israel’s role in repression, not only of Palestinians, but through its military and homeland security exports, all over the world.

Download Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression (in English, Spanish, French and Italian)

Download the appendix to the report “The Global Spread of Drones”